Research & Teaching

According to its central tasks and aims, the ECI functions as a platform for innovative research ideas to initiate new collaborative applications for extramural research grants. Scientists of the ECI are currently involved in multiple research projects including two ongoing collaborative research centers (SFB 1181, SFB/TRR 130), several research training groups (GK 1660 [GK within SFB 1181, SFB/TRR 130] and GRK 2504/1: „Novel antiviral approaches: from small molecules to immune intervention“ [spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Klaus Überla, approved May 2019) at the FAU as well as in the application for the research training group: „ImmunoMicroTope: Microenvironmental, metabolic and microbial signals regulating immune cell-pathogen interactions“ [designated spokesperson: Prof. Dr. Christian Bogdan]). The initiation of new research consortia in the area of infectious diseases and microbial pathogenesis at the FAU remains the primary goal of the ECI.

The researchers of the ECI participate in a number of courses for students and as well as in research seminar series. These include not only the interdisciplinary infectious disease and immunology course for medical students (Q4 series) and master students in “Cell and Molecular Biology” or “Integrated Immunology”, but also the invitation of national and international infectious disease researchers for guest lectures.